‘It is both brave and self loving to invite the gift of healing into your life.’
Freja ♥
We have all suffered. There is not a human alive who will not suffer any pain. It is part of life’s rich tapestry. It cannot be avoided and yet we spend a lot of time, energy and money trying to do just that – avoid the inevitable. And when we fail and do get hurt, we balk at the prospect of having to spend the time, energy or money it takes to heal. Yet this healing can bring a deep richness and fulfillment to our lives. We are missing an amazing opportunity to grow and deepen our experiences of life when we try to avoid pain or the healing process. And ironically this avoidance only causes more pain and suffering.
Life is, in part at least, about our healing. If we ignore this part of our psyche then it comes to us in our dreams, our illnesses and our regrets. We are put on this earth to grow and part of that growth is learning through pain and the wonderful gift of the healing process. Accepting and engaging in healing is what brings us closer to ourselves and to our Higher Power. It ultimately brings us closer to others as we become able to share our deeper authentic selves.
Healing is the magical rainbow that stretches over the darkened sky as the sun rays of hope illuminate the rain tears that fall, replenishing the earth. Without the rain, there would be no renewal and no rainbows to wonder at. The sun is the willingness within us to illuminate that which darkens our sky. The rain is the willingness to shed tears – to feel the pain. And the rainbow is the gift when the two come together in a beautiful release.
So how do we heal? How do we embrace our wounded selves and immerse ourselves in the challenge of facing the truth and the all the pain that accompanies our woundedness? Well it certainly isn’t easy. Nor is it, as I have discovered to my frustration, a linear process. Nor does the healing eradicate the wound altogether. A wound will always leave a scar, one we can grow to be proud of.
I have found that once you acknowledge that you have a wound and it needs attending the next step is to accept that you are not alone. You are truly not unique in your suffering. Our lives and our souls are unique – but we are all human and we share this common experience called pain. You can be assured that someone, somewhere has felt what you have felt, has experienced the depths of despair that you have gone to. The details of the story and the ways we cope may vary, but rest assured, your pain is absolutely universal and your wound(s) are shared by many.
I think the single most limiting belief that gets in the way of our healing journey is thinking that we are somehow unique in our suffering. Although for many it brings relief to realise that we are not alone and that others have been through what we have been through, it can also be humbling to realise we are not special in our suffering. We cannot heal when we separate ourselves from humanity by believing that our problems are either different from or worse than everyone else’s or that no one would ever understand or accept our pain. This simply isn’t true.
If our parents were not there to emotionally support us when we were children this belief can be very hard to budge because it protected us from feeling the depth of our despair at a time we were unable to deal with it. But in the long run, holding onto the belief that we are unique in our suffering only alienates us from our selves, God and the rest of humanity and it is guaranteed to steadfastly prohibit any healing. To heal you have to join the human race. We are truly all in this together.
Once we have admitted we have a wound and have realised we are not in this alone, we are free to humbly seek support. There are many options available to us when we are ready to face the work involved. We can join a self help group – (this is great for helping to break the fantasy that we are unique in our suffering). We can go and find an appropriate professional councillor or therapist to support us in our healing journey.
Sometimes the wound is not so deep rooted and all it takes is a long honest talk with a friend, lover or relative. We can even talk to someone random. We can ring a helpline and speak to a loving stranger who will really listen to us. We can read literature or search the web so that we can educate ourselves on our particular issue. We can start a journal or use art/ poetry/ music/ creative writing to explore and/or share our deeper selves. We can find a spiritual practice to follow like yoga, meditation, chanting, or the 12 Steps. We can find a new spiritual group to join or return to our religious roots by going to a church, mosque, temple or synagogue. We can go, open hearted, to be embraced and healed by nature or through her crystals, plants and animals. Be sure, there is always support for those who seek it.
Once we know we need to heal and accept that we are not alone and have started to look for sources of support, our next step can be to ask our Higher Power to help us and see what comes to our aid. You can be assured that if you commit to healing yourself and ask the Universe for assistance, it will come. Maybe not in the way that you expect or want and maybe not in the time scale we imagine, but help will be there. The one thing that you can be sure of is that Life wants you to heal and be happy more than anything in the world and it will answer your call when you are ready to do the healing work. Life does not stand in the way of those that are courageous enough to take the journey of healing. The only limit we struggle against is our own resistance. And of course you can even ask God to help you with that…
So, become willing to allow the sun to shine its illuminating rays on all your dark clouds. Be willing to go beneath the blanket of any general suffering to get to the root cause. It is both brave and self loving to invite the gift of healing into your life. Never in the history of humanity, has facing and healing our woundedness been more important with the collective social challenges we now face. And never has it been so easy to get the support and information we need to help us along the way… It’s time to take full advantage.
by Freja ♥ © October 2007